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 In dielectric materials, the polarization P, the electric field E and the flux density D are related by the equation 𝐷=πœ€π‘œπΈ+𝑃=πœ€π‘œ[1+πœ’]𝐸⁄

where, Ο‡ – dielectric susceptibility of the material with a varying electric fields E(t),

The polarization P induces current in a dielectric due to charge migration whenever an electric field is suddenly applied. With dc, if the material has a conductivity Οƒ, then the current density obtained is ΟƒE(t) and the polarization displacement current will be Ξ΄D(t)/Ξ΄t.

Hence, the total current density produced is 𝑗(𝑑)=𝜎𝐸(𝑑)+𝛿𝐷(𝑑)𝛿𝑑=𝜎𝐸(𝑑)+πœ€π‘œπ›ΏπΈ(𝑑)𝛿𝑑+𝛿𝑃(𝑑)𝛿𝑑 = {𝜎+πœ€π‘œ(1+πœ’)𝛿(𝑑)+𝑓(𝑑)}𝐸(𝑑)

Where , Ξ΄(t) – instantaneous impulse response

f(t) – the further response obtained.

Hence, the polarization current obtained in terms of the geometrical capacitance C0 (without

material) is, 𝑖(𝑑)=πΆπ‘œπ‘‰[πœŽπ‘œπœ€π‘œ+(1+πœ’)𝛿(𝑑)+𝑓(𝑑)]

where, V – applied voltage that produces the electric field E(t)

If the equations are transformed into frequency domain (Ο‰) and with the complex frequency

concept, we get 𝑗(πœ”)=𝐸(πœ”)[πœŽπ‘œ+π‘—πœ”πœ€π‘œ(1+𝐹(πœ”))] 𝑋(πœ”)=𝐹(πœ”)=πœ’⁄(πœ”)−π‘—πœ’⁄⁄(πœ”)

where F(Ο‰) – complex susceptibility.

Hence, the complex permittivity Ξ΅*(Ο‰) may be written as

πœ€∗(πœ”)=πœ€⁄(πœ”)−π‘—πœ€⁄⁄(πœ”) =[1+πœ’(πœ”)]−π‘—πœ’⁄⁄(πœ”)

From this, the dissipation factor tan Ξ΄ is obtained as tan𝛿(πœ”)=πœ€⁄⁄(πœ”)+πœŽπœ€π‘œπœ”⁄πœ€π‘Ÿ(πœ”)

where Ξ΅r(Ο‰) – effective dielectric constant Ξ΅(Ο‰)/Ξ΅0.
The above equations show that the loss factor tan Ξ΄ is a function of Ο‰ and hence is to be determined over a frequency range.
