POWER FREQUENCY TESTS POWER FACTOR–VOLTAGE TEST: In this test, bushing is set up as in service or immersed in oil. It is connected such that the line conductor goes to the high-voltage side and the tank or earth portion goes to the detector side of the high-voltage Schering-bridge. Voltage is applied up to the line value varied in steps and then reduced. The capacitance and power factor (or tan Ξ΄) are recorded at each step and their characteristics are drawn. This is a normal routine test but sometimes may be conducted on percentage basis. INTERNAL OR PARTIAL DISCHARGE TEST This test is used to find the deterioration or failure due to internal discharges caused in the composite insulation of the bushing. The voltage versus discharge magnitude as well as the quadratic rate, gives an excellent record of the performance of the bushing in service. This is a routine test for high-voltage bushings. MOMENTARY WITHSTAND TEST AT POWER FREQUENCY: This is done as per the Indian Standard Specifica...
1. IMPULSE WITHSTAND VOLTAGE TEST : This test is done by applying standard impulse voltage of specified value under dry conditions with both positive and negative polarities of the wave. If five consecutive waves do not cause a flashover or puncture, the insulator is deemed to have passed the test. If two applications cause flashover, the object is deemed to have failed. If there is only one failure, additional ten applications of the voltage wave are made. If the test object has withstood the subsequent applications, it is said to have passed the test. 2. IMPULSE FLASHOVER TEST: The test is done as above with the specified voltage. Probability of failure is determined for 40% and 60% failure values or 20% and 80% failure values. The average value of the upper and the lower limits is taken. The insulator surface should not be damaged by these tests, but slight marking on its surface or chipping off of the cement is allowed. 3. POLLUTION TESTING: The normal type...